Cheryl Calver formerly an office manager and personal assistant, with many years experience in small and medium sized businesses has now retired from working life. She dealt with the public and has many years organisational and administration experience. She was for many years, a director of her own business and a school governor.

Her qualifications and experience include: - personnel & office management; small business management; school governor; teaching assistant (children’s education); social care (via work and home life), first aider.

She takes an active interest in child development and welfare matters.

She, along with Michele Spencer has been involved with the charity since it was founded in 2004.

She has current experience and skill of working with severely challenged people, and brings great insight to the organisation with her “hands on” experience and practical knowledge of the differences and diversities of various vulnerable groups.

70 Victoria Road,



BN26 6BU,

United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)1323 486771

Nepal Phone: +977 61 (4)60660

Fax: +44 (0)1323 486926


Charity Registration No. 1107732

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